Medical staff of the School is comprised of a pediatrician, a nutrition manager, a Pre-School nurse and School nurse.
The medical unit consists of a medical room, procedure room (Pre-School and School), massage room (Pre-School and School), isolation ward (Pre-School and Schools) and physiotherapist’s room in Pre-School. Medical rooms are acting on the basis of governmental license. Medical rooms are functioning on the basis of governmental license.
Medical Services is aimed to:
- Promote health and healthy lifestyle of the students.
- Cooperate with administration and pedagogical staff in creating conditions and conducing preventative, medical-recreational events to promote and preserve students’ health.
Main strands of the medical service work are the following:
- Observation of the health condition and physical development of the students’ health.
- Organization of morning filters for the students and school staff.
- Provision of first aid in case of need.
- Execution control over sanitary-and-hygienic requirements.
- Organizing and conducting necessary preventative and curative measures ((after) pending parents’ written consent).
- Control of the organization of the daily regime and nutrition of the students.
- Organizing and carrying out anti-epidemic events.
- Improve knowledge of sanitary norms among students, pedagogues and parents.
- Control of a timely undergoing medical examination by all school staff.