MIRAS International School held a scholarships competition for the second time for the 2023-2024 academic year. The competition took place during the period from April 20th to May 5th, and the application process started back in February.
Out of 88 students who wished to participate in the competition, 27 made it to the preliminary stage. At the end of the competition, 5 students were awarded grants for their education:
• 50% grants:
- Adiya Seiteneva
- Ansar Ilyasov
• 100% grants:
- Aida Zhaksygalieva
- Sayazhan Zhaksygalieva
- Muhammad Qusayin
The competition for candidates in Grades 10-11 included testing in Russian, Mathematics, and English. Those who wanted to enroll in the Diploma Programme had to undergo testing in English and Mathematics in English. In addition to test results, the school considered students' previous academic achievements, as well as their participation in Olympiads and competitions.
In addition to the new students, last year's grant competition winners, Aisana Amanzhol and Serikkali Abdrahman, received increased discounts on their education fees, up to 50% and 100%, respectively, based on their academic performance and involvement in the school's community life.
The official sponsors providing grants for education at MIRAS School are the "Halyk" Charity Foundation and the NNEF Public Foundation.
The application process for the grant competition for the 2024-2025 academic year shall start in February 2024. Stay updated on the school's website and our Instagram page for further information!
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MIRAS International School—Astana announces the sta...
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We are excited to announce the fantastic news!
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Serikkali Abdrakhman, a Diploma Programme student of MIRAS International School, has won grants in two s...